8月14日,在重庆参加2024“未来之桥”中国—中东欧青年研修交流营的约40名中东欧青年走进赛力斯凤凰智慧工厂,参观工作人员与机器人协同作业组装新能源汽车,在“被屏幕包围”的电动汽车里感受科技感十足的“中国智造”。对很多中东欧青年来说,这是他们之一次走进新能源汽车生产基地,赞叹声此起彼伏。“最快30秒下线一辆新能源汽车”刷新了希腊雅典国立技术大学计算机视觉和人工智能医学图像分析博士生乔治奥斯·博蒂斯此前对汽车生产速度的认识。“(这里生产的新能源汽车)既对环境友好,也对用户友好。”博蒂斯说,“如果之后有机会,我一定会买一辆。”(中青报·中青网记者白杨 徐丹阳 见习记者 马子倩 实习生 郭庆 陶思阅)


Topic: "If I have the chance, I will definitely buy a Chinese new energy car": Chongqing Seres Group Ignites Passion in Central and Eastern European Youth

On 14 August, about 40 young people from Central and Eastern Europe participating in the 2024 "Bridge of the Future" China-Central and Eastern Europe Youth Campus entered the Seres Group Co., Ltd. in Chongqing, visited the staff and robots working together to assemble new energy vehicles, and experienced the technological sense of "China's *** art manufacturing" in the electric cars "surrounded by screens". For many young people from Central and Eastern Europe, this was the first time they had entered a new energy vehicle production base. Sounds of praise rise in waves. The fact that a new energy vehicle rolls off the production line in no more than 30 seconds, refreshes the previous understanding of the speed of car production, says Georgios Botis, a PhD student from National and Technical University of Athens. "The new energy vehicles produced here are both environmentally friendly and user-friendly. " Botis said: "If I have the chance after this visit, I will definitely buy one."(Bai Yang, Xu Danyang, Ma Ziqian, Journalists from China Youth Daily; Intern Guo Qing, Tao Siyue)