中国青年报客户端讯(中青报·中青网记者 李悦)“当今世界仍面临着数字化、人工智能、大数据所带来的信息传播挑战。”日前,俄罗斯莫斯科国立大学新闻学院院长埃琳娜·瓦尔塔诺娃在中国人民大学举办的中外新闻传播学院院长论坛接受中青报·中青网记者专访时表示,金砖国家应加强在数字领域的合作,这将为所有金砖国家提供更加平等、及时和有效的沟通,从而规避数字风险。



Dean of the Faculty of Journali *** Moscow State University: BRICS Countries Should Enhance Cooperation in the Digital Field

"The world today still faces challenges in information dissemination brought about by digitalization, artificial intelligence, and big data," said Elena Vartanova, Dean of the Faculty of Journali *** Moscow State University, during an exclusive interview with China Youth Daily at the 2024 International Journali *** and Communication Deans' Conference. She emphasized that BRICS countries should strengthen cooperation in the digital field, which will provide all member states with more equitable, timely, and effective communication, thereby mitigating digital risks.

From October 22 to 24, the 16th annual 2024 BRICS summit will be held in Kazan, Russia. This will be the first summit since the expansion of BRICS, attracting significant attention from the international community.(By Li Yue/China Youth Daily)