7月11日-29日,2024中美青少年乒乓赛暨重温“乒乓外交”特色夏令营在北京成功举办,本次活动主题为“弘扬乒乓外交精神 续写中美青年友谊”,旨在通过乒乓球运动与文化交流活动,促进中美两国青少年间的友谊。来自中美两国的乒乓球爱好者同台比拼、以球会友,共同体验竞技的 *** 与友谊的温暖。


据悉,本次活动是由全国青联和全国对外友协共同发起并组织实施的“未来之桥”中美青年交流计划伙伴活动,并纳入了教育部留学服务中心的品牌游学活动,旨在推动架起中美青年沟通、理解、友谊、合作的桥梁,助力中美关系健康、稳定、可持续发展。(中青报·中青网见习记者 王璟瑄 蒋继璇 记者 叶雨婷)

Connecting Youth across the Pacific with a Small Ping-Pong Ball

July 11-29, 2024 China-US Youth Table Tennis Invitational and Revisiting "Ping-Pong Diplomacy" Summer Camp was successfully held. The theme of this event is “Carrying forward the spirit of Ping-Pong diplomacy and continuing the friendship between Chinese and American youth”, aiming to promote the friendship between Chinese and American youth through Ping-Pong sports and cultural exchanges. Ping-Pong enthusiasts from China and the United States competed on the same stage and shared the excitement of competition and the warmth of friendship.

This event is part of the “Bridge for the Future” China-US Youth Exchange Program, aiming to facilitate the building of bridges of communication, understanding, friendship, and cooperation between Chinese and American youth and to contribute to the healthy, stable, and sustainable development of the China-US relationship.

(Wang Jingxuan, Jiang Jixuan, Ye Yuting / China Youth Daily)