9月20日举行的2024北京文化论坛“文化传播:影视 *** 与时代表达”平行论坛上,众多国内外影视界精英齐聚一堂,围绕影视行业发展展开深入交流与分享。法国制片人尼古拉·德尚近年来多次参与中法合拍纪录片的 *** ,在接受中青报·中青网记者采访时他表示,对于纪录片内容生产来说,“中国是真正的宝藏”,有着丰富的自然环境、科技人文。他倡导能有越来越多的中外纪录片团队合作,让中国纪录片走上国际舞台。(中青报·中青网记者张诗童)

法国制片人尼古拉:开放合作让中国纪录片走上世界舞台  French producer Nicolas Deschamps: Open Collaboration Brings Chinese Documentaries to the World Stage

At the parallel forum "Cultural Dissemination: Film and Television Production with Relevance to the Present Times" of the 2024 Beijing Culture Forum held on September 20, numerous elites from the domestic and international film and television industries gathered to engage in insightful exchanges and share profound insights on the development of the film and television industry. Nicolas Deschamps, a French producer who has participated in the production of several Sino-French co-produced documentaries in recent years, said in an interview with China Youth Daily that "China is a real treasure trove for documentary content production" with its rich natural environment, technology, and culture. He advocated for more cooperation between Chinese and foreign documentary teams to bring Chinese documentaries to the international stage.(Elena Zhang, Journalist from China Youth Daily)